History of the department

Introduction of the Department of Water Management and Natural Ecosystems, Albert Casimir Faculty at Mosonmagyaróvár, Széchenyi István University:

In the second half of the 20th century, environmental sciences (such as: meteorology, hydrology, soil science, ecology) developed strongly. Their importance increased especially since the industrial boom that began in the middle of the 19th century introduced a significant amount of pollutants into the air. As a result of the greenhouse effect, the Earth's average temperature began to rise.

The environmental conditions can affect the human habitability of the given area and also affect the plants that provide food, i.e. our crop production.

These facts also contributed to the increased interest in environmental sciences and the importance of the development and education of these sciences throughout the world.

Dr. János Iváncsics (Full Professor) the dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, initiated the establishment of the Department of Agrometeorology and Water Management and the Institute of Environmental Sciences based on the Department of Soil Science in Mosonmagyaróvár.

The Institute of Environmental Sciences, consisting of two departments, was founded in 1995. Since then, it has reached its current size by adding the Departments of Botany, Zoology and Chemistry.

The Department of Water Management and Natural Ecosystems is currently the most diverse educational unit of our Faculty. Innumerable foundational and professional subjects are taught at the department, so that our students can get to the higher grades as well-prepared and well-informed as possible. Furthermore, our students perform excellently in the world of work and enhance (like their predecessors) the reputation of our Faculty.

The most important taught courses of the department are: agricultural chemistry, general and inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, plant protection chemistry, soil science, agrochemistry, agrometeorology, agroclimatology, botany, weed biology, agroecology, zoology, ecology, ecotoxicology, waste management, environmental elements protection, environmental analytics, environmental measurement technology, environmental technology, waste management, sustainable agriculture, forest and wildlife management. Among the listed subjects, botany, zoology and chemistry are of particular importance among “Óvári Gazdászok”. According to tradition, whoever passes these three exams can feel the 3 "tips" of their diploma in their hands.

The research activities of the Department (like its educational activities) are also multifaceted. Our colleagues deal with plant geography research through agroclimatological studies, plant protection zoological studies, plant nutrition research and soil physical measurements. With the professional cooperation of the National Meteorological Service, our department operates a meteorological observation station and is actively involved in the monitoring of the Szigetköz. Currently, the Faculty is building a soil and plant testing agricultural laboratory in the Department's territory together with the Department of Food Science. Our colleagues are members of numerous domestic and international tenders and they have achieved outstanding results as leaders. These results have earned serious recognition at the international level and these results are under patent protection too.